Meet Nandhini, the celebrity anchor renowned for her captivating presence on Raj TV, SS Music, and Mega TV. With her expertise, she conducts pre-promotional interviews with celebrities before their film releases, adding a unique touch to the entertainment industry.
Nandhini is a versatile talent, donning various avatars as an anchor, emcee, voice-over artist, freelance VJ, games jockey, entertainer, performer, and speaker. Her exceptional contributions have earned recognition and honors from TEMA - The Event Managers Association, showcasing her unwavering commitment and dedication to the event industry.
Looking to elevate your event to the next level? Contact SOS Party at 7973432360 to book Nandhini for corporate events, weddings, and more. With availability across all major cities in India including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Kolkata, Nandhini promises to bring her signature charm and expertise to make your event a resounding success. Don't miss the opportunity to work with this seasoned professional!
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