Jeanette portfolio images
Jeanette portfolio images Jeanette portfolio images


Tutor from United Kingdom


Tutor from United Kingdom

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4.0/5 Rating
Workplace Happiness
51+ gigs
8+ Years of experience
Available In-person and Virtual

Artist Location

United Kingdom
Workplace Happiness
Open to Travel


TutorPhotography Tutor

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About Artist

Jeanette portfolio images

Fusing my past teaching and photography career together, I have created a unique smartphone photography experience showing you how to get the best out of the camera you always have with you - your smartphone camera. These fun, interactive sessions show you how to spot, take, and edit your photos in real time by screen-sharing my phone to Zoom from a location in London. I will reveal all my top tips and tricks for getting the best creative shots, while seeing the sights of London at the same time.

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