Meet Major General Harsha, a beacon of patriotism and resourcefulness with a remarkable journey spanning over four decades of dedicated service to the nation. Having retired as Major General in 2015, his illustrious career includes significant milestones such as representing India in the United Nations and being the first Indian Officer to undergo the National Security Studies Course at the prestigious Canadian Forces College in Toronto.
Major General Harsha's commitment to excellence and his invaluable insights have inspired countless individuals to strive for greatness. He cherishes the value of time and utilizes it judiciously to make substantial contributions to various news dailies, magazines, and online platforms. Moreover, his motivational articles on his website serve as a guiding light, instilling timeless values and ethics in the hearts of readers.
To harness Major General Harsha's wisdom and patriotism for your corporate event or gathering, contact SOS Party at 7973432360. With availability in all major cities across India, Major General Harsha promises to inspire and enlighten audiences with his profound experiences and unwavering dedication to serving the nation.
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