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Devika portfolio images Devika portfolio images


Wellness Expert from Mumbai, Maharashtra


Wellness Expert from Mumbai, Maharashtra

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4.0/5 Rating
Workplace Happiness
802+ gigs
14+ Years of experience
Available In-person and Virtual

Artist Location

Mumbai, Maharashtra
Workplace Happiness
Open to Travel


Wellness ExpertBody Movement Therapist

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Devika is a Dance Movement Psychotherapist (R-DMP) registered with the Association of Dance Movement Psychotherapy, UK, and the Indian Association of Dance Movement Therapy (IADMT). She is the Program Head for the Post Graduate Diploma Program in Expressive Arts Therapy at St.Xavier's College, Mumbai, and faculty for Diploma courses in Dance Movement Therapy. She is the Co-Founder of Synchrony India - which provides mental health services and training
through creative arts with various populations. Devika is also the Founding board member of the IADMT.

She is the Regional Director of Asia for the International Association of Creative Arts Therapies in education and training. She has represented her work in India at International Conferences across the USA and Europe. Her areas of interest are neuro-rehabilitation, embodied indigenous knowledge, and adolescents, and is currently pursuing her PhD in the same. She has worked with multiple institutions and organizations across private and nongovernmental sections across the span of the last decade.

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  • SD Global Services
  • AAPC

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Wellness Expert

Mumbai, Maharashtra



Wellness Expert

Mumbai, Maharashtra



Wellness Expert

Mumbai, Maharashtra



Wellness Expert

Mumbai, Maharashtra